The Halvorsen Elementary School in Berlin, Germany is a wonderful legacy.
Their website is filled with accolades for their namesake, Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen.
The Gail S. Halvorsen School is located in Berlin Zehlendorf and named after the famous Candy Bomber who dropped sweets for German children during the Berlin Airlift from 1948 to 1949.
Gail S. Halvorsen stands for breaking boundaries and being ready for new ways.

This is reflected in the school’s mission statement: Freedom – Responsibility – Friendship.
Today, approximately 500 children attend the Halvorsen High School in grades 7-11.
Given what Gail Halvorsen, the Candy Bomber, did for the young children during the Berlin Airlift, naming this school the Halvorsen High School, is a perfect way to recognize what Gail did during the Berlin Airlift. He is such a remarkably human being.